The women of St. Mark’s WELCA (Women of the ELCA) are reaching out in love this year to provide essential personal care packages to those in need. We personally take cleanliness as a given. Unfortunately, many don’t have this ability. Understanding this, St. Mark’s WELCA has undertaken this challenge to provide Personal Care Kits to meet this need by collecting kits as an annual project. We are challenging those interested to prepare 3-5 kits to support this project. The instructions are below and very specific as to what should be in them: NO substitutions or additions can be made. We ask that each kit also include $2.65 for shipping.
Please give your donation(s) to your circle leader OR place it in the bin in Communication Central. St. Mark’s WELCA will take monetary donations and kits collected to the Ingathering site and/or to the WELCA Annual Conference in September. They will report to St. Mark’s on the funds collected and number of kits collected at the end of the drive. Please contact the church office or Julie Foreman with any questions. Thank you for any support you can give!
Personal Care Kits
New items only. Nothing with religious or military symbols, including camouflage. Do not add other items or leave out any items listed.
- ONE light-weight bath-size towel (between 20×40″ and 27×52″), dark color recommended
- TWO or three bath-size bars of soap equaling 8 to 9 oz., any brand, original packaging
- ONE adult-size toothbrush in original packaging (toothbrush multi-packs may be used by sealing an individual toothbrush in a business-size envelope; no plastic bags or wrap)
- ONE sturdy comb, remove packaging
- ONE metal nail clippers (attached file optional), remove packaging
- $2.65 for shipping costs
Packaging instructions: Fold the towel in half. Place the rest of the items in the towel, fold and roll so nothing falls out, and secure with yarn, ribbon, string, or rubber bands. Note: package money separately – give to your circle leader or put in an envelope, attaching outside your “bundle.”
Last modified: July 15, 2024