October 3, 11 am – 12 pm | Fellowship Hall

Learn all about what St. Mark’s offers online! Bring your device (phone, laptop, tablet) and join us as our Multimedia Coordinator Shelby Billman highlights exciting features on the website and explains how to access St. Mark’s content on social media.

The workshop will include an exploration of the Member Resources page on the website, how to access St. Mark’s calendar and News & Events page for the latest church news, and how access our online giving portal. There will also be instruction on how to subscribe to St. Mark’s YouTube Channel and receive notifications about our online service videos. Finally, for those who would like to follow St. Mark’s on Facebook & Instagram, this workshop will provide information on how to find St. Mark’s and like and comment on daily posts.

For any questions or one-on-one tech help, please don’t hesitate to contact Shelby Billman!

Last modified: September 26, 2022