All of us need prayer in our lives and people that love and pray for us. Our kiddos are no exception. We are starting a program that pairs caring adults with our youth. The responsibility of each adult partner is to first and foremost pray for their “assigned” kiddo. After that would be to take an interest in their lives – this can be done in a variety of ways: seeking them out on a Sunday morning to say hello, how are you?; invite them (with their family) to get together for a meal or outing; attending a game or activity they are involved in; and celebrating the milestones in their lives.

We will begin pairing our middle school students first and then go on from there. The hope is to make
connections between generations that benefit everyone as members of the body of Christ. If you are interested in this program, or would just like to hear more, please talk to Traci Billman.

Last modified: October 17, 2022