We are happy to announce that the Rev. Amy Diller Guida will serve as interim pastor for St.
Mark’s, on a part-time basis, from August 1 until December 1. She will be with us 20 to 25 hours
a week. Pastor Amy lives in Huntsville and has seven years of pastoral experience, most recently
at a two-point parish in Davenport, Iowa. She and her family moved to Alabama last summer
for her husband’s work. She and her husband Chris have a two-year old child and another baby is expected in December. Bishop Strickland at the Synod office is currently
seeking a full-time interim pastor for us to begin no later than December 1.

Following our worship service on August 14, there will be an opportunity for everyone to
welcome and greet Pastor Amy at a social gathering in the Fellowship Hall. You are invited to
come and say hello to our new interim pastor!

Welcome, Pastor Amy!

Last modified: July 31, 2022