Saturday, February 18, 2023, 5:30pm-8pm | Fellowship Hall

Aloha from St. Mark’s! We’re inviting all friends, family and neighbors to a tropical family dance with food, dancing and games for all ages!

Brighten up your February with your best Hawaiian gear, and join us for a night of fun. 

Tickets include dinner (cheese pizza, Hawaiian pork sandwiches and snacks), a Hawaiian doughnut bar, dancing and games.

The cost is $7 per person, or $25 for a 4-pack of tickets. 

How to Purchase Tickets:

  • Cash/check sales on Sundays, 10am during coffee fellowship hour
  • Call the church office
  • Email [email protected]

Volunteers are needed! Check out our SignUp Genius by clicking here.

View our wish list of tropical ingredients for this special event by clicking here.

All donations are requested by February 15.

Last modified: February 6, 2023