February 19

The decision to give a gift of service or financial support to St. Mark’s is a personal choice between an individual, family members, and God. Volunteering your time and talent is a gratifying way to serve the church community.

The theme for 2023 is a continuation from last year’s “Commit to God’s Work.” Our individual commitment to devote our time and talent are an important part of fulfilling the ministry of St. Mark’s. The church is in need of many hands to do God’s work, and there is always some way you can help out.  In the next few weeks, you will be asked to commit to serving the church using your talents in mission opportunities and/or by pledging financial support. The 2023 budget was approved in December, and your commitment to supporting that budget is important.

The Board of Administration is asking you to complete a Ministry Opportunities form and a Financial Pledge Card. Online is the preferred way to complete and submit the forms, but over the next few weeks the physical forms will be available in convenient locations throughout the church including Communication Central and the Church office. Pledge forms can be mailed to you, but only if requested. There will be several ways to submit your completed pledges – online HERE, in the offering basket, or by returning them to the church office. For those who want help in completing the forms online, computer assistance will be available on February 12 in Room 2 (Sunday School Hall) following the 8:30 and 11 am services.

Please prayerfully consider your abilities and talents. We are asking everyone to return completed ministry opportunities and financial pledge information to the Church by February 19, Commitment Sunday.  

Last modified: February 6, 2023